The Incredibles, part 2

Some more notes on the best film of the year, The Incredibles.

Early on, Dash has an argument with his mother about what he feels is a waste of his super talents. He wants to compete in sports like all the other boys, but the parents are too concerned about keeping the family in hiding. Helen (mother Incredible) tells him the need to make everyone feel special and not single anyone out. Dash shrewdly replies that this is another way of saying that “no one is (special).”

Later, Bob (father Incredible) confirms this feeling in an argument with Helen. She’s upset with him for missing Dash’s 5th grade graduation, which he feels is just a “celebration of mediocrity,” not an isolated achievement worthy of praise.
And finally, the family’s nemesis Syndrome extols the same virtues, but in a twisted villainous way. Since Syndrome has no actual super powers of his own, he has ingeniously invented his own with technology (the marvel Omnidroid and his zero-point energy blasters are key examples). His goal is to level the playing field. The legal trouble that all the Supers got into over Mr. Incredible’s ill-received daring-do isn’t enough for Syndrome. He’s feeding his deep insecurities and wants to eradicate all Supers. By sharing his inventions with the world, “one day everyone will be super… which means no one will be.”

As you can see, the subtext is quite clear. At its heart, Incredibles unashamedly combats the postmodern ethos of neutrality and indistinction. It celebrates the notion of hero and personal achievement through family and community. All the more reason to love the film!






11 responses to “The Incredibles, part 2”

  1. Rob Avatar


    Interesting question. At the risk of sounding very conservative, I would have to say that social programs such as equal-opportunity employment and affirmative action have flourished in this postmodern environment. Neither of those programs could have been feasible 50 years ago.

    It’s a tough ideal to promote, that of elitism. If a society goes too far with hero worship, you become very susceptible to fascism or class warfare. On the other hand, if everyone is reduced to the same worth and ability (whether truthfully or not), it starts to feel Orwellian pretty quickly.

    Thanks for the fun thoughts!

  2. patty Avatar

    does the postmodern ethos propogate total neutrality and indistinction or does it suggest that distinction is a function of context and therefore neutrality (or non-elitist position) is the result of a variety of distinctions?

    as a total aphilosophical tangent, at the gifted school where i teach the staff just had a discussion about the incredibles and the ways that distintions in the general population (i.e. gifted students) are often snuffed out in the public school environment just like the little boy character in the incredibles. it was a pretty interesting conversation.

  3. Creford Avatar

    How wonderful it is! Today, I had seen the film – “The Incredibles” this afternoon, my father also had seen this film in this evening. This cartoon movie is powered by Disney-Pixar.

    In this film, I love the people’s sensation, scene, bugbears. The scene is so sublime.

    With the great imagination.

  4. dozie Avatar

    well,ive watched the animation about 16-25 times and i want to know if there is a part 2 or not and if no why.

    1. Rob Avatar

      No, “part 2” was just the name of my post, not of a possible movie sequel. But wouldn’t that be great?!

    2. Alphavillan Avatar

      Payment was not received for the first film. Although the second screeplay was completed before the first film hit the theaters. There was not a deal to be made with Pixar! Since that was the case, I had to destroy the screenplay.
      The ghost writer

      1. Rob Avatar

        Tis a shame, Melvin. I know a lot of people that would kill to see an Incredibles sequel. Incidentally, what can you tell us about Back to the Future? Was Stolz the better choice for Marty McFly?

        1. Alphavillan Avatar

          Eric Stoltz my the second choice to begin with. I was not sure of which actor to use when I wrote The Atomic Kid. But, under the rewrite a lot of things changed! I was sure that MJF would make a better Marty.
          There are a lot of easter eggs or insider info. in BTTF. Also try comparing BTTF with the Bill and Teds movies. For an example Mad Dog Tannen and The Mad Dog saloon in B&T’s.

          There is also a connection with Cache Valley UT. in BTTF. Indians VS Bulldogs, Pinecrest shopping center, The Clock Tower Plaza, The Bluebird Resturante, The now non-existent DMC plant etc…I could even tell you the real reason behind 88 MPH!

          1. Rob Avatar

            Ooo! Do tell the meaning behind 88mph! I’ve always wanted to know if that was arbitrary or not.

            Also, were you behind Teen Wolf?

  5. Residential Properties on noida Avatar

    Nice Post. does anyone know if there is a legal way I can display this content on my own website- Many thanks

    1. Alphavillan Avatar

      Well the 88 MPH is simple really 8 plus 8= 16 (Nov.) my birthday. Also the Nebuchadnezzar from The Matrix is No.(v) 16.
      In Teen Wolf I used Boof instead of Biff just to see if anyone would catch the similarities of those names.

      Bluebird Restaurant –
      35 reviews – Place page – 19 North Main Street, Logan

      Clock Tower Plaza

      550 N Main St # 114
      Logan, UT 84321-3984

      Pine Crest Shopping Center at 1400 N. Main Street in Logan.

      History of DeLorean Motor Company (DMC)
      As DeLorean became serious about putting his car (then called the DMC-12, … my biggest outside investment is my ski-grooming company in Logan, Utah. …

      See if you can find the Indians VS Bulldogs in the first BTTF movie.

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