Phoney Solicitation

So I get not one, but two priceless phone calls from solicitors yesterday.

Solicitor #1
The first was from a consumer panel group, wanting my opinion on radio stations. The lady first had to ask a few questions to make sure I was qualified to be a member of this prestigious consumer panel.

I hate phone solicitors

  1. “What station to you listen to the most, sir?”
  2. Me: “Um, NPR, 90.1.” , I replied.

  3. “And how about your second most?”
  4. Me: “89.7 Power FM.”

  5. “Last?”
  6. Me: “Hmmm, maybe classical?”

Silence for a moment. “Hello?” Then the lady returned and said that I had been declined from participation. I got the distinct feeling that had I answered any ClearChannel station in that list, I probably would have been picked in a heartbeat. But then, that’s probably not a panel I’d want to be a part of.

Solicitor #2
The second call came from a dating service, The Right One. Poor Brent was trying his best to “hook” me on the phone. He asked all the standard questions that his queue cards required of him.

  1. “Hello Mr. Lund! I’m {insert name here}. How are you today?!”
  2. “The reason I’m calling you today is to see how your dating life is going!”
  3. {ask client for unreasonable amount of personal information, including mother’s first roommate’s maiden name, current level of income, and all pets’ names}
  4. “Well Mr. Lund, it sounds to me like you are a perfect fit for our program!”
  5. “Are you ready to meet quality women?!”
  6. “We feel it best to meet our clients in person before continuing!”

At this point, it was all of me to bite my tongue’s dire need to lash out in cantankerous cynicism. When I graciously declined Brent’s fabulous offer, he was so perplexed that I felt I owed him a clear explanation.

“You see, Brent,” I started. “The last time I was suckered into meeting with a ‘personal dating service’, I felt like I was buying a used car. A really old piece-of-crap station wagon. And I don’t like high pressure salesmanship, Brent. So until you can guarantee me that you won’t be wasting my time with similar tactics, I won’t be visiting you any time soon.”

Poor Brent couldn’t provide such an assurance, but he did leave me his number, just in case I changed my mind. So I’m giving it to you, Mr. Internet.


Are you ready to meet quality singles?

Here is an anti-solicitation resource: a national do-not-call registry


Now Jason Skinner wants me to sign up with The Right One. He’s extremely eager to win that commission, as this is the third time he’s called in a few months.

To reward the ingenuity of all you google-ites, I’m offering Jason Skinner’s office phone number:







29 responses to “Phoney Solicitation”

  1. Rob Avatar


    How funny! Good to know that I’m not the only one slugging through these spammers.

  2. drkicker Avatar

    His name was Chris this time. Left the same number (972-866-0121) and message about an email, but my cell phone picked up his unblocked number (972-490-0434). I had no luck finding the cell number, but found the other number on your page. This is exactly the reason I don’t answer my phone if I don’t know the number. Glad I didn’t waste cell phone minutes on this scam attempt.

  3. Lisa Avatar

    I have been recieving phone calls from that number for months now! REALLY ANNOYING! The first time they said “I just recieved your email and would love to talk about what you are looking for” and I was like, I didn’t send anyone a freaking email…especially about being single! I just recieved another call (#135..haha) a minute ago and thought I’d google the number since they always fail to offer their company’s name on the voice mail! Thanks for this site to clear up my confusion!!!

  4. Rob Avatar

    Lol, that’s the funniest response yet! Glad I could help. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Jimmy Avatar

    OMG, aahahahahahaha!

  6. Rob Avatar

    That’s so funny. I actually never expected to get googled on this, but it’s been quite funny to see other people’s run-in with the spammer. I guess I was the guinea pig!

  7. Sara Avatar

    Yeah, Michael called me. Said he had my email right there on his desk and for me to call him back at 972 866 0121. Google rocks! I found this page and it’s just toooo funny!!

  8. James Avatar

    I get calls at work all the time trying to help me find a ‘mate’. They always ask real quick, “You are single, right?”

    Of course my answer is no, because I have been married 14 years!

    I can’t believe these people call businesses. That is what our society has come to hasn’t it? These places call your work because, of course, you are probably surfing the net instead of working. I know all kinds of people who don’t have much to do at work so they just surf the net all day. As a business owner this would scare me if it were not for the fact that I surf the net way to much instead of working as it is. :p

  9. icerabbit Avatar

    Fortunately I don’t get bothered too much. I was pretty much absent in any direct marketing lists, till I got a new phone #.

    The other day they called me that I was the very lucky winner picked at random to participate in a survey about … “Eh hello?! Lucky & Random? That computer calls every # in the phone book … LOL.

  10. Courtney Avatar

    This is f’in hilarious! I just received a voicemail at work – The guy said, “Hey Courtney, what’s up, it’s Scott. I just got your email, so uh, call me back; 972-866-0121.”

    I sat & thought about it for a while and realized, I don’t give that particular line out to ANYONE, I only make calls from it. And I sure as hell don’t know a Scott.

    So I Google’d the number and found you. Ha ha. Classic!! Glad I didn’t call the ass back!


  11. J. Smith Avatar
    J. Smith

    Phone call tonite from this number:
    Heard talking in background, only one person. The guy on phone was saying something like, “They will think I’m ‘f–ing nuts”.

    I thot it was my insane EX.
    Good to know it’s only a telemarketer!

  12. Mark K Avatar
    Mark K

    I just did a Google search for the phone number
    972 866 0121 I received from a Michael Skinner
    who did not state the nature of his call , but
    he wouyld be there until 9 PM and for me to call
    him back.

  13. James Avatar

    This is cracking me up!

    Rob, you need to bump this to the top. It’s just too funny!

  14. Rob Avatar

    Isn’t this thread great? I love it. Long live Google! What do you mean “bump”? Like change the post date?

  15. James Avatar

    Yeah, change the date so this thing will be at the top. It’s great.

  16. Sheryl Avatar

    I have been receiving calls from this number (972-866-0121) for several weeks. I never answer calls from numbers I don’t recognize, but the I do live in the general area of that area code. The first calls I received were from (apparently) my best friend Stacy and today my new best friend Tara called. How nice they are to respond to that email that I never sent. I’m very grateful for this site. Now I know I’ve been doing the right thing…..not answering!

  17. mel Avatar

    I cannot believe how often this gets googled! I love it!

  18. Thomas Daniel Avatar
    Thomas Daniel

    I googled this phone number – 972 866-0121 and got your website. This was the phone Chelsea gave me to call about my email I sent and she had exciting news for me. Thank you for letting me know the real deal about it. I also received this call from 972 386-3953. Watch it, the wolves are on the prowl.

  19. Suz Avatar

    I just got home and found a message from Sherrie saying she received my email and to be sure to give her a call so we could talk about it. Wasn’t it nice of her to let me know she’d be there till 9pm? I’m like y’all and immediately googled the number and found this site. I haven’t yet googled the number that showed up on my Caller ID though. I’ve had The Right One call me a couple times the past few days but I told them I couldn’t talk and hung up.

    I’m already on a Do Not Call list, can we go after them for this? My understanding is that only non-profit agencies can legally call you once you’ve registered. Anyone know???

  20. Rick Avatar

    I received a call today from 972-490-0434. Sherrie was the most bubbly Texan I’d ever heard, asking me with the most sincerity she could muster if I had completed my move to Round Rock successfully. Before I finished saying that I’d decided to stay in California, she was off the line! The call lasted all of 4 seconds…which, I guess, is a good thing since it didn’t cost me much cell phone time. It happened so quickly I wasn’t even sure who it was who called but thanks to Google and this thread, I know it was most likely a dating service. Sorry Sherrie, but I’m taken…and I last WAY more than 4 seconds.

  21. Sputnik Avatar

    “The One” dating service – told them I’d decided to “become a faggot”. She asked if that was the way to talk about “it” and I told her I was “tired of being told how to live, how to love, and now, even how to talk” by “you straights”. Screamingly funny and VERY uncomfortable on their end.

  22. Brad Avatar

    “David” is now calling from 972-386-3953 requesting I call him back at 972 866-0121.

    Has anyone used the site singlesnet? I think this may all be connected because I’ve been getting more junk email and now phones since visiting that site. May be a coincidence.

  23. Marnie Avatar

    I am SOOOOO glad you guys posted! I googled the phone number 972-866-0121 to see what was up. I’m deep into a job search so, of course, my phone number is flying around on my resume which is posted on several sites.

    I was hoping for a job contact, but something didn’t sound quite right on the voice mail that Natasha left me. She said she’d gotten my e-mail and had something exciting to tell me… Ya, right.

    Thanks for the info, you guys saved me from great dissappointment!

  24. Brenne Meyro Avatar

    Re: (972) 404-0502

    I got the same call, but the name wasn’t disclosed on the caller i.d. panel. I just didn’t answer, and he left no message. By-the-way, I’m on the Do Not Call List!

  25. Jon Avatar

    I began receiving these calls from Sherrie about a month ago (from caller ID 972-404-0296), of which I never answered and just let it go to Callnotes…as many as 4 calls in one day…saying that she received an email from me (which I did not send) and that I should call her back @ 972-866-0121, as she would be there until 9pm.

    Tonight, I received yet another call from Sherrie @ approx 6pm…I decided to answer this time to politely ask Sherrie to never call my number again, and disconnected the call…3 minutes later, she called yet again, which I let go to Callnotes, and when I checked the message she left, Sherrie informed me that she needed to verify some information so that she could put me on her “do-not-call” list…one would think that a respectful request to no longer call me at the number she called me at was enough…NOT!

    I proceeded to this site, reviewed some of the other comments/complaints about the same service calling, and I decided to file a complaint with the national do-not-call registry (which I am already registered)…we shall see if this stirs up any waters and if I am actually going to be contacted regarding the complaint…more to follow I am sure!

  26. BDC Avatar

    Received a call this morning from “Carlos” regarding an email I’d sent him. He left me a msg stating that he had “something wonderful for me”. The call back number he’d left was 972 866 0121. I’ve been through the rounds with these morons in the past about a year or two ago. They’re a rip-off dating service that uses some sort of primitive computer matching software based upon the information people like us input.

    Speaking as a business owner, what does it say about this particular business’ ethics if they’re stooping to the lows of the ilk of telemarketers to try and garner customers? If they’re having to leave these kinds of deceitful and annoying messages, then it ought to be a clue to everyone how they do their business once they “find” you a match (by way of the hundreds of dollars they charge your card).

    Avoid them like the plague. Trashy.


  27. Brandy Avatar

    Received call from Will (whose number on id came up as 972/726-9319) and he left me the 972/866-0121 number to call. UMMMM, happily married for 8 years, thank you very much!

  28. Laurie B Avatar
    Laurie B

    I have had MULTIPLE calls over approx. a 2-month period, sometimes a few a day, and frequently at odd times: 9:30 on a Sunday morning, 8:45 on a Thursday night, etc. The caller is very cheery & says, “Hi! This is Cassidy & I’ve got great news for you!” Or, “This is Cassidy (!) and I’m calling to an email I received from ya!” Frequently there is no message…….

    Cassidy’s number is 972-490-0434. Why don’t we all call HER repeatedly, at odd times, just to say HELLO????”

  29. Kurt Avatar

    Just recieved a call from 972 866 0121. I didint asnwer but they left a voicemail that was just people talking in the back ground for like 45 seconds… googled the number and found this. pretty weird

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