I had an extremely funny conversation with my sister recently. I was compelled to share.
The toilet seat argument:
Posit (by Jim): In the interest of equal opportunity, the toilet seat should be left up 50% of the time between couples. Why should the toilet seat be left down by default? Assuming regularity of bowel movements, both the man and woman equally use the john. Therefore, they should share the load of maneuvering the seat.
Rebuttal (by Melissa): Women go with the seat down 100% of the time. Men, usually around 25%. Therefore, they should carry the burden of repositioning.
Just for the record, I personally have no public opinion on this matter, since it might be regarded as un-masculine. Suffice it to say that the future Mrs. Rob will not find herself arguing with Mr. Rob over this topic. Though I’m sure there will be many other quirks in Mr. Rob’s mannerisms to make up for the loss.
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