
Ok, I’m a year older now.

I wasn’t even going to make mention of it, for fear of drawing embarrassing attention to the annual inevitability, but I got this card from Mom that I just had to share.

This is me as a kid, riding my plastic Big Wheels. Isn’t that nifty? Mom pasted this pic over the card’s picture. She has a good track record of sending groovy cards worth keeping.






5 responses to “Birthday”

  1. Carl V. Avatar

    That’s cool! We never had Big Wheels when we were kids but made it a point to ride friends’, cousins’, etc when we had the chance. I remember many a harrowing ride down a very steep street in town where one of our friends lived. Yep, riding Big Wheels down a city street…just another of the smart things we did as children! ๐Ÿ˜†

  2. James Avatar

    I still like riding my big wheel down the street.

  3. Melissa Avatar

    Rob! That’s an adorable picture of you! Aww, my brother!

    Weird timing for you to post this though…I’m not kidding I dreamed just two nights ago that I was being chased down the street on a motorized Big Wheel, but I couldn’t get it to go fast enough. This man was chasing me, and I couldn’t get away. It sounds laughable, but I was really terrified! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Jules Avatar

    I had a pink Big Wheel with pretty tassels. I loved it!

    That’s a great picture!!!

  5. ciera Avatar

    Happy birthday and what a great card!

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