(My new Colorado surroundings have boosted my confidence)
Well, I’m here! The truck’s been emptied, my boxes are strewn about, and the computer is back online. Yep, starting to feel more like home again. Note to self: don’t travel 800 miles with a cat in the near future. There’s just not enough tranquilizer to go around.
Hard to believe, really. It’s all very surreal. I sort of feel like I could just get in the car and go visit my Dallas friends still in a few minutes. In fact, a friend of mine called me earlier today and said he and another friend were going to a restaurant and wanted to know if I wanted to meet them there. If only.
So, I visited a great little church this morning called Centennial Covenant Church. It’s a small fellowship, but very warm and receptive. I felt very welcomed. There was a guest musician named Jeff Rohlwing playing with the band. He put on a small concert in the evening service too. Phenomenal guitarist with a great voice. Check out his site.
There’s about three other churches I want to visit soon too. More details to follow…
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