Wow, how long has it been? I was starting to show withdrawal symptoms from lack of blogging. Thanks to all you beautiful people who kept bugging me about the new blog and when it would hit the presses.
Do me a favor and click the “About” link at the top there, k? That is, if Jimmy would help me resurrect it. Long story. Jimmy’s a great computer guy. My blog is now hosted on his server, and he’s been a really fantastic help. Holy cow, if I hear the word database tables one more time, I’m going to cry. Thanks, Jimmy.
So excuse the mess while we clean up around here. The paint’s still drying. And, yeah, read the About page and tell me what you think. My blog (read: my life) is taking some abrupt and drastic turns, all for the better. I’m very excited.
Can’t wait to get this freight train moving.
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