Further march toward suburbia

What’s a beautiful big patio, hanging plants and bird feeders, without a screen door?

I have a great patio in this new apartment. It’s very spacious. It faces the east, so in the mornings I get up early (yes, you read me right) and I read. I gaze out onto the horizon and marvel as the sun greets me with its rays.

And of course, what’s a patio without a screen door? Sounds like a project if I ever heard one!

First off, the door frame was too narrow at the bottom, so I had to widen it. To do that, I had to pry back the frame, snip the staples off, and screw it back in with an extra 1/4″ gap.


I got this little kit especially for swinging screen doors which worked great. Here’s the finished product!


The door’s spring loaded, so I put an extra eye hook on the adjacent wall to hold the door open.


Ahh, suburbia. I feel like Cosmo Kramer from Seinfeld in the episode “Serenity Now“. You know the one, where Kramer rips the old screen door off Frank’s house and mounts it to his apartment front door? He sets up some patio furniture and potted plants in anticipation of the fireworks display.

Of course we know how that episode ended too. The screen door was Kramer’s early steps toward insanity! Think I should be worried?






36 responses to “Further march toward suburbia”

  1. natable Avatar

    Ahh, Americana. Exploring your bob vila side hopefully yielded a new tool purchase? I don’t know if Kramer experienced the slam of the spring, but perhaps you can think of it as a resistor only RLC circuit. May I recommend a inductive damper?

    1. Rob Avatar

      Good old Nate. Esoteric and compressed as always! ๐Ÿ˜†

    2. Lynda Avatar

      I was thinking more in lines of “whats-his-name” on Old Yankee Workshop. Ebb won’t be able to make another great escape now! At least without your permission ๐Ÿ˜›

  2. Carl V. Avatar

    That’s looking downright homey! Now all you need is the rocking chair and a pitcher of lemonade and the illusion would be complete!

  3. James Avatar

    Do you know how to install cabinets?

    1. Rob Avatar

      Yeah, I learned from the best in a little podunk town in Missouri! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Angela Avatar

    speaking of homes, i just made an offer on a house today! i’m so stinking excited & am slightly stressing cuz i want him to accept the offer… can’t let the house go!

    1. Rob Avatar

      Oh wow! Very cool, Angela. That’s a big step, isn’t it? I was this close to buying a place in Dallas. It literally came within a week of the decision to move to Colorado instead.

      Hope the offer is accepted!

    2. Carl V. Avatar

      I hope everything works out Angela. Its an enjoyable headache to be a home owner and it beats apartment living hands down!

    3. Angela Avatar

      thanks guys.. i’ll let you know what happens..

      and i know, Julie.. i have my heart set on this place already.. i’ll be heart-broken if it doesn’t work out!

      1. Angela Avatar

        ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ they counter-offered & i accepted!
        here’s the sellers pics

        1. James Avatar

          That’s fantastic! Congratulations!

        2. Rob Avatar

          Dang, girl, that’s awesome! Good for you. ๐Ÿ˜€ When’s the move-in party?! You got a bunch of burly guys to help move your stuff?

          1. James Avatar

            Let’s all head out to IN and help Angela move!

          2. Angela Avatar

            You got a bunch of burly guys to help move your stuff?
            i don’t know about “burly,” but i at least want to make sure someone has a truck..

            Let’s all head out to IN and help Angela move!
            now, i LOVE this idea, James! lol

            and thanks, Julie!.. i love it! my mother said it looks like a dollhouse!

  5. Ciera Avatar

    A man and tools… ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. Jules Avatar

    James just finished hanging some much needed, new blinds in our bedroom. I’m so excited!!

    Now if I could figure out how to keep him motivated to do more….

    The door looks great!

    I’m crossing my fingers for you Angela. I’ve been reduced to tears more than once over loosing a bid on a home. It’s so easy to get emotionally involved in a house before it’s even yours! Keep us informed!

    1. Carl V. Avatar

      Well, you watched football last night, Julie, and got James to hang blinds tonight…sounds like you’ve found your winning formula! ๐Ÿ˜†

  7. Jules Avatar

    Yaaayyyyy!!! Very cute!!! Looks like a sweet place to call home!!! Congratualations!!!!

  8. Jules Avatar

    Ha! I almost called it a dollhouse when I commented last. That’s the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the picture!

  9. Rob Avatar

    Yeah, isn’t that a cool screen door, people? LOL, I’m kidding, really! ๐Ÿ˜€ It’s nice to have a lively forum around here.

  10. Jules Avatar

    Rob? Who’s Rob?

    Hehe!!! I kid, I kid!!!

  11. Sarah Avatar

    All this screen door posting makes me realize that I need one on the back of my house! On a scale of 1-10, how difficult do you think it is to install a screen door for a gal who likes to use a cordless drill?

    1. Rob Avatar

      Maybe a 5? I thought it was tricky, personally, but that’s just me. But if you are handy with a drill, you’re already way ahead!

  12. Carl V. Avatar

    Way to go Angela! Congratulations. I’m very happy for you. ๐Ÿ˜€

  13. Angela Avatar

    rob, are you an attention whore? lol

    1. Rob Avatar

      Well, Ang, let’s put it this way. Only 25% of the comments are Rob-centric. Another 60% are Angela-centric. The remaining 15% are my own comments which don’t count!

      Nah, I can take it. ๐Ÿ˜›

      1. Angela Avatar

        then my comments shouldn’t count either

  14. Angela Avatar

    i’m sorry i stole your show there for a bit..

    1. James Avatar

      It’s all part of your evil plan to take over the world!

      1. Angela Avatar

        shh, james… it’s supposed to be a secret plan..

  15. Mary Avatar

    Wheee! Way to go, Angela! I love the house. Is it one or two bedroom?

    1. Angela Avatar

      actually, it’s 3 bed/2 full bath.. but i’ll have a roomate renting from me..
      shh.. don’t tell rob we’re not talking about him..

  16. Sarah Avatar

    Having a roommate rent from you is a great idea. I did it for 2.5 years!

    1. Rob Avatar

      Sarah, you’re a homeowner too? Man, everyone’s a homeowner but me! I gotta get with the program.

  17. Ciera Avatar

    I’m not either…I rent an apartment.

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