Rob’s big spinach salad

So I made a big salad tonight. This foray was a vast improvement over my usual culinary effort: broiling hot dogs.

What can I say, Julie inspired me. Behold the big spinach salad:

Ingredients (all hand chopped, diced, and sliced, mind you!)

  • spinach leaves
  • mesquite roasted turkey
  • garlic croutons
  • carrots
  • pepperoncini pepper
  • grated cheese
  • yellow pepper
  • tomatoes
  • mushrooms
  • 3.7 dashes of pepper (kidding, of course)

Also, note the swank plate and fork — both new additions at the homestead. I only wish I had a dinette set to bolster the pretty little plate.

I feel I can boast about this given my baking track record, which until recently has been rather dismal.






8 responses to “Rob’s big spinach salad”

  1. Carl V. Avatar

    Looks and sounds great! I love big salads!

  2. Ciera Avatar

    Very nice.

    fyi – I’m at a new blogsite. I put it in the url spot here, so clicking on my name will take you there.

  3. Rob Avatar

    Cool, thanks for the update, Ciera.

  4. James Avatar

    Where’s the dressing?

    What’s wrong with you?

  5. Jules Avatar

    Don’t feel bad, Rob. He asks the kids that all the time!

    I have been feeling bad about my blog. My thoughts are stale and I just can’t think of anything to post. I am glad that I have inspired you. That makes me feel a little better.

    Keep it up! I have a great salad recipe that is very easy to prepare. I will post it soon for you. :mrgreen:

  6. Melissa Avatar

    That’s awesome that you commented about your plate and fork. That was the first thing I noticed. I love em’! I’m sure Mom would be happy to hook you up with some matching pieces! 😉

    Julie, what are you talking about? I love your site and the way you write too! I don’t always keep up with everyone’s blogs, but when I do read’em I’m always sure to catch up on yours especially!

  7. Rob Avatar

    Hey, Jules I totally know how you feel. Writing faithfully sort of has its valleys and peaks. There are lots of times where I feel totally uninspired.

    Just keep writing though. Rule #1 from Mrs. Griffin’s writing classes!

  8. Jules Avatar

    Thanks Melissa!! And Rob!

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