Why do I do this?

Rob's filing system

My excuse has been that the move really threw me out of the loop of bookkeeping. But it’s already been over a month, and I’m working less hours now. Running out of excuses.






10 responses to “Why do I do this?”

  1. Sarah Avatar

    Wow, that’s a funny bookkeeping mess. I tend to create the piles-of-clean-clothes messes around here. ๐Ÿ™‚ Do I see separate, distinct piles, though? I think that’s a good start…

  2. Carl V Avatar

    Looks like something to keep James occupied in a few weeks! ๐Ÿ˜†

  3. James Avatar

    Yeah, clean that crap up before we get there!

    If you don’t, my kids will do it for you. ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

  4. Jules Avatar

    Reminds me I have some work to do. My wallet is full of debits. ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

    Do you have a file cabinet?

  5. Rob Avatar

    Jimmy, I hope you know that I don’t have a TV. No football watching while you’re here!

  6. Jules Avatar

    How do you watch Lost if you don’t have a tv?

  7. Rob Avatar

    Aha! I download the episodes of the net and play them on my projector with this box:

  8. Jules Avatar

    I didn’t realize all that your contraption does!

    :mrgreen: (That’s from Lydia)

  9. mel Avatar

    That’s what my scrapbooking supplies look like sometimes. I say it’s because I’m being artistic! I’m creating so things have to get messy!

    Did I miss something though–James and Julie, y’all are goin out to visit rob? That’s awesome! I’m jealous!

  10. Ciera Avatar

    Hmm…looks vaguely like my desk. I don’t feel so bad now!!! LOL!

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