I can’t think of any other people with whom I’d rather have spent my first Thanksgiving in Colorado… well, ok, maybe Melissa and Jim (sorry, Mom & Dad!)
My folks came to town last Wednesday evening and stayed till Saturday night. We had so much fun. I think in that span of 4 days, they’ve seen more movies than in the last year. We watched no less than:
- Master & Commander
- The Terminal
- The Shawshank Redemption
- Pieces of April (Dad saw this one while Mom & I went shopping)
Mom asked me the other night what a blogging person like her is called. If you remember, Mom has a fierce stance on non-public commenting. She refuses to comment on mine or other blogs because of the public nature of the dialog. So, being only a blog reader and not a blog writer or commenter, she wondered if such a person might be a “bleader”. I thought it sounded a little too grim.
On Friday afternoon, we ventured out to the Rocky Mountain State Park for a drive into the mountains.
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