Christmas loot, part 2

My loot is now completely opened. Here’s the count:

Day 1
Blue Like Jazz, Donald Miller — Scooter
Sudoku Easy to Hard, Bill Shortz — Mel & Jim
handmade dish towels — Grandma Lund
hand knitted coasters — Laura Lund
Gap boxers — Mel (yes, my sister bought me underwear)
Polarity (some sort of magnetic board game) — Mom
hiking whistle — Scooter (she thinks this Texan is going to lose himself in the wilderness)

Day 2
Lost, season 1 DVDs — Mom & Dad
Pulp Fiction — Mel & Jim
ceramic coasters — the Dodds
The Big Lebowski — Mel & Jim
Creature Tech (comic book) — Mom & Dad

As you can see, Day 2 finished off with much less loot than Day 1. I think the gift givers ran out of steam by Day 2. Regardless, much fun was had by all. ๐Ÿ™‚

Thank you all for the wonderful gifts. This is my favorite time of year, both for giving loot and receiving.






14 responses to “Christmas loot, part 2”

  1. Lynda Avatar

    Sounds like you have been having a fun Christmas. And cool stuff you are getting. Now the question has been answered, boxers or briefs!! HaHa. Kelly and I exchanged gifts Tuesday, Merissa and I Friday. I am waiting to open gifts sent to me Christmas morning! The anticipation of Christmas morning is still fun for me!!
    Merry Christmas Rob to you and your family. Hope you might be having a white Christmas where you are. It is sunny and in the 60’s and 70’s here.

  2. Carl V. Avatar

    Merry Christmas Rob, looks like you did alright this year!

  3. Jules Avatar

    It was nice seeing you again, Rob!

    Looks like you had a great Christmas!

  4. Sarah Avatar

    Hooray! I look forward to catching up on the Lost episodes with Rob. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Jules Avatar

    James and I are really enjoying watching Lost!

    Have fun enjoying them together!

  6. Ciera Avatar

    a belated Merry Christmas, Rob!

  7. Scooter Avatar

    Hey C.W. how’s Colorado? Sure was fun to pick on you last week. You were such a good sport to play games with us… seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever played so many games in such a short amount of time.

    I’m still in MN… we (Jim, Mel and I) experience “Christmas Loot Part III.” The Gap gift card and the iPod tune’s card would have to be the highlights… go figure, I have to go back to the Gap store! Bummer! ๐Ÿ˜†

    Happy New Year…well, in a couple of days. (and Hi Mrs. Lund… I know that you are probably reading this!)

  8. Rob Avatar

    Thanks for the good cheer everybody! Scoot, you little pill. Now I’m going to have to explain the CW reference.

  9. Sarah Avatar

    Yes, do share, Rob! ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Rob Avatar

    Well, we were playing this board game and in my extreme absent-mindedness, I confused clockwise with counterclockwise. And one of them started calling me “clockwise”.

    There you have it.

  11. Sarah Avatar

    Hee hee… this is why board games are damaging.

  12. Mark Avatar

    Look’s like you got some good swag, Rob! Maybe next year the booty will be more evenly dispersed across several days!

    Would my sister buy me underwear? I think she would be more concerned that I’d wear outerwear that is decrepit and worn out!

  13. mel Avatar

    Hey Clockwise! Sure had a good Christmas with you! Miss you!

  14. mel Avatar

    Aren’t those undies handsome!?

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