eyeTV 500 & NCAA

I don’t own a TV right now. But I do own an eyeTV.

(Disclaimer: According to the Anglicans, Lent is suspended on Sundays. Just so you know.)

Elgato Systmes makes the eyeTV 500, a high definition tuner that plugs into you Mac computer. It can be used as a personal video recorder for archiving your favorite shows and also for later editing.

I hooked it up today for the first time to check out the NCAA round two games. Check out this picture on my new Dell widescreen monitor:


Cool, huh?






8 responses to “eyeTV 500 & NCAA”

  1. Nate Avatar

    How much space does something like a basketball game in HD take up on your drive? I’m convinced that high definition television was created for sports. Oh, and Lost. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I look forward to your reply next Sunday.

  2. Carl V. Avatar

    Ah….using religious loopholes to get back into the blogging game, eh? Very sad! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Watching the games on the computer this week was so great…work was never so fun! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Jules Avatar

    Yes, James has been feeding on a steady diet of basketball, too.

    Nice screen.

  4. Mark Avatar

    sweeeeet…. Although when I clicked on the picture of your widescreen monitor, my non-widescreen Dell monitor actually began to sob…

    Side note: As I type a comment someone types the exact same thing at the bottom of the webpage! Testing: MIZNEROTIC! spooky…

  5. Mary Avatar

    Did you have a nice Easter, Rob?

    When ya gonna post? huh? When?

  6. Sarah Avatar

    YEAH, Rob, aren’t you eager to post? We’re all waiting eagerly…

  7. Rob Avatar

    Maybe never, Mary. Maybe I’ll join an Anglican monastery** where blogging is forbidden, among other things.

    **Hey, Sarah, do the Anglicans have monasteries?

  8. […] home media center has evolved much over the years, as my patient wife can attest. See here, and here, and here, and here, and here. Well, now it’s gotten a whole let […]

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