Shed project, Part 1

I’m building a shed very soon, but before I could get the materials, I needed to know how much stuff I had to fit inside the shed. That’s where Google comes in…

Google just bought SketchUp, an easy to use 3D modeler. No really, it’s actually very easy to use.

Look what I managed to do in a couple hours:

Equipment view 1

That’s the work area I have in my apartment garage in Denver. As most of you know by now, I’ll be moving in with a young lady very soon in Colorado Springs. So we’re going to build a shed in her spacious back yard. Sarah graciously posed as the model in the screen shots.

Here’s some more images of the shed equipment:

Equipment view 2

The top view:

Equipment view 3

The shed dimensions will be 10′ x 8′. Side views:

Equipment view 4
Equipment view 5

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7 responses to “Shed project, Part 1”

  1. Sarah Avatar

    Wow, that’s amazing, dear. But, one thing- did you say that Little Baghdad was… spacious?

  2. Rob Avatar


  3. Lynda Avatar

    Hey Guys,
    This looks great! I can tell you are having fun getting things prepared for when you move in with that special girl of yours. I am going to have to check out that 3D modeler. That would be right up my drafting alley, so-to-speak. Happy Building!!!

  4. Eliot Avatar

    Nice! I downloaded this the other day and have been wondering what I could do with it. Nice job on the virtual shed, hopefully the real one will look good too.

  5. Carl V. Avatar

    “I’ll be moving in with a young lady very soon “…it sounds all very untoward! Make sure you put all the creature comforts in that shed in case you end up having to sleep out there on occasion!

  6. James Avatar

    That shed is really for the in-laws to stay in. I hear that Roger snores!

  7. Rob Avatar

    Might also come in handy as a human “dog house”. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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