What time is it?

… it’s chunky retro time. This is the wedding gift Sarah gave me.
chunky retro

Is this not cool?! It’s a chunky retro LED watch. No passe indiglo here. No trendy digital LCD here. This baby is all old-school 7-segment LED raw power!

For those that don’t know, a 7-segment display has, naturally, seven LEDs (light emitting diodes) arranged in the smallest form of a digit.

7 segment

From that arrangement, all 10 numerical digits can be crudely formed. Stress the word “crude”. They’re very basic, about 60 year-old technology. But some things age like wine. And I’ve got the watch to prove it!






4 responses to “What time is it?”

  1. Carl V. Avatar

    That’s fun…the red digital lines remind me of those old hand-held Caleco games, especially the football one.

  2. Rob Avatar

    Yes! Exactly what I told Sar. I couldn’t remember the name of that video game though. Nice, C-man, we’re old school.

  3. Mark Avatar

    Throwback, baby! Rob’s “Old Skool”… Like those old alarm clocks that would burn out just one or two segments and spell out commands to attack your sister! I hear and I obey, oh glowing one…

  4. Carl V. Avatar

    Old school indeed! I remember my uncle had all those games and I loved going over there for holidays, etc. and sitting around and playing them. The biggest thrill was playing the football one and taking the opening drive all the way down field in one play.

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