Look what I got in the mail…
Some more negative ad campaign junk mail that Karl Rove would be proud of:

This is the most despicable of the lot. It weakly tries to implicate Obama with terrorism. For shame! How about talking about issues? Why throw stone after stone?
McCain’s tough guy Sarah Palin has been banging on this supposed link between Obama and Ayers for some time now. But is there a link?
…What we object to are the McCain-Palin campaign’s attempts to sway voters – in ads and on the stump – with false and misleading statements about the relationship, which was never very close. Obama never “lied” about this, just as he never bragged about it. The foundation they both worked with was hardly “radical.” And Ayers is more than a former “terrorist,” he’s also a well-known figure in the field of education. — FactCheck.org:
I don’t think the Colorado Republican Committee is interested in the truth. I think they are more interested in deliberate misinformation in an attempt to sway impressionable undecided voters. Strategy of issues.
That’s not change, Mr. McCain. That’s just more of the same.
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