“Arrrgh! I’ve got the bones of a dead man in me leg!” (to be said to future children with a pirate’s voice)
So the fog of knee surgery #2 is wearing off and I’ve got the pictures to prove it. Fair warning, some are a bit gruesome. Arrgh.
So a little background information. This OCD knee defect thing that I talked about last year? I got a call from the doc last week that a donor had become available.
You see, the bone fragments that were removed last year left a sizable cavity under the femur. So if that hole wasn’t plugged, I’d end up with bad arthritis in a few years. And I need strong joints for future child/dog wrestling matches, so having a second surgery was a no-brainer.
And besides, how cool will it be to tell my kids (in a pirate voice, of course) that “I’ve got a dead man’s bone inside me!“
UPDATE: My wife informs me that technically mine was a meniscus transplant, not bone. Thank you, dear, but I’m sticking with the pirate bone story for effect.
Here you go:
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