Automagically create annual month folders

On my computer, I’m in the habit of using lots of subfolders for my organization of reports and other output I generate from my financial software. 1Quicken-killer Moneydance I prefer to use a structure of month names inside the for the year, with forced chronological order.

For instance:


So I wrote an Automator script to do this for me automatically.  It took me a long time to get around to doing it.  I had been creating all these myriad subfolders by hand until now.

To use this, you save as a Finder service here:

~/Library/Services/create annual month folders.workflow

Then, in Finder you select a folder where you want to have the month subfolders created, right click and select Services and then “create annual month folder” and voila!

month folders screenshot








2 responses to “Automagically create annual month folders”

  1. Eliot Avatar

    Or, you could have created a blank set of them and then copied that folder for every year. 🙂

    1. Rob Avatar

      Well that spoils the fun!

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