There are hunters and there are gatherers. I’m more the latter, my wife the former. I like to settle down and dig my roots in. What can I say, I don’t like change.
The same goes with my job choices. My first job post-college lasted 10+ years. It basically fell into my lap — a recently graduated upperclassman contacted me during my senior year, asking if I wanted a job. I said yes, and so did the company. MTSI was a fantastic experience for me; great people, great training, great experiences.
Then I moved on to Colorado. And what a wild, dizzying path that has become. Liteye Systems brought me here, and I am forever grateful. I found my wife here, and my life is all the richer.
Soon after Sarah and I married, we moved into our first house together in the old part of Colorado Springs. Liteye is located in Denver. The distance from point A to point B is about an hour’s worth of travel time. On good traffic days with perfect weather. It’s been a long 6 years of commuting. Again, I settled in and stayed perhaps longer than was necessary.
And so, this summer became Project Find-A-New-Job. Enter Thermo Fisher Scientific smack dab in the middle of Colorado Springs.
I had been wanting to branch out a bit from Liteye. Having been immersed in the rugged military product development world for quite a while, I wanted to see what else I could do. Thermo Fisher fit that bill. It’s in a completely different market: high-end scientific and laboratory products. It’s a branch of industry that I had no experience in, so I was excited to take part.
It’s also a very large company with a small local branch. This was something I was looking for specifically too. My previous couple job experiences ranged in the sub-50 employee size and were both startups. Though those environments can be very exhilarating and dynamic, they can also be occasionally chaotic. I was craving a larger company culture, where processes and infrastructure were more fully developed.
And what can I say about a commute of only 15 minutes? As the snow steadily fell this week, I revealed in the fact that I wasn’t stuck on I-25. Being a true “local” of the Springs now, I’m eager to settle in here and reinvest all this extra time I have on my hands into my family and friends.
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