Day 30+: a postlude

(Copyright Vectorbelly Webcomics)

This post is part of the GaSiProMo challenge.   You can read more about this here.

While the rest of the world is preparing for super sportsing, I’m taking the opportunity to tinker. This post is a continuation of the GaSiProMo challenge I took part in a while ago.

Today’s update brings in the next stage of that project with my OsRAM LED display: better packaging.

The goal here is to reduce the amount of “rat’s nest” wiring from the prototype to a more manageable amount of cabling for better display of the pretty blinky lights.

So I harvested an old Shuttle micro PC for its hard drive cables, which are nicely bundled.  The first step was to make a breadboard carrier for the OsRAM.

breadboard layout
breadboard layout

I chose sockets for wire-wrapping.  I’m a big fan of wire wrap.  It’s old school, but very rapid for prototyping.

wire wrap pins
wire wrap pins
finished wire wrap
finished wire wrap

Next up was to make a mapping of the pins from my Arduino to a breadboard.  This took a while to derive the most optimal routing of wires.

Pin mapping for translation cable
Pin mapping for translation cable

No to my surprise, the HDD housing has one pin blocked.  So I had to Dremel this out.

recovered pin
recovered pin

I have a serial port terminal working so that I can type in any message from the PC and have it show up on the OsRAM:

More In This Series…






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