Too Much and Never Enough review

A devastating read, from cover to cover. Particularly the prologue, wherein Mary Trump really unloads on her uncle. It’s cringe worthy to bear witness to such a public family feud, but if anyone has a right to this much frustration, it’s her.

Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous ManToo Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man by Mary L. Trump
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A few subtler things stand out to me (to say nothing of the many obvious outlandish things!):

Donald didn’t come out of nowhere. He isn’t the antichrist, but rather was created. His is a thoroughly biblical tragedy, one of Cain and Abel. He and his older brother Freddie both pined for their abusive father’s love. Donald got it, but abusive love is still abusive. He learned all that bad behavior from Fred Sr. – the cheating, the tax evasion, the misogyny, you name it.

Donald isn’t a lone actor in all of this current American nightmare. He is and was heavily enabled, both economically before his foray into politics, and politically after.

The patterns of horrible presidential behavior on display now have been with Donald all his life. He was always a racist, always a predator, always a cheat.

This book (and many others like it) aren’t some political hit job by the Left. It’s striking to me how, again, someone deeply on the inside of Donald’s life is bringing all this mayhem forward, someone without direct political gain.

Mary Trump is a doctor of psychology. She’s as legit an author as you could ask for, knowing precisely what pathologies she describes in Donald.

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