Author: Rob

  • Who are we?

    In processing the stunning defeat of the first Black & Indian woman vice president in America, a good friend of mine had this insight: “When America tells you who she is, believe her.” This of course is a beautifully concise alteration of the often quoted Angelou line “When someone shows you who they are, believe…

  • Kamala v Trump

    Kamala v Trump

    I’m posting this on the eve of the U.S. election, November 4th. Even though we won’t likely know the outcome of the election until a week or so afterward, given how close the polling has been for weeks now, it feels right to put this up now, like the Chicago Tribune making their infamous headline…

  • Halloween movie wrap-up, 2024

    This year for Halloween, it wasn’t new horror movies that filled my docket, but rather repeat viewings. I’m not normally a re-watcher, what with all the fresh new content coming down the pipe. But both options I chose were super fun to revisit. The first was the classic Shyamalan thriller Signs with my daughter. I…

  • Office Evangelism

    When it comes to office life, I have a “separation of church and state” mindset. I don’t have a lot of tolerance for religious preaching there. If there’s to be any talk of religion, it ought to be between two consenting adults, much like most other activities. For that matter, I have a hard time…

  • pop-up choir

    About a week ago, I got to participate in a cool choir event, called a “pop-up”. It was a single evening impromptu choir of people from the community, most of whom didn’t know each other. It was hosted by Colorado Springs Youth Choir, a new organization for high school students. The results were really great.…

  • Won’t you be my neighbor

    Look what came in the mail… Put a Harris Walz sign in your yard and you just might get a personal letter sent to you. I gotta hand it to them, rather than arguing the obvious personal character failings, they stuck to policy, however unsolicited.

  • American Conspiracist

    I heard a fantastic podcast recently on the history of conspiracies in America. Throughout our country’s political life, there have been struggles with truth and facts, and how they are disseminated. That hasn’t changed today. And yet in the Trump era, our national disconnect with reality has been accelerated, particularly with the advent of social…

  • A longer table

    This hymn we sing at our church so perfectly captures the Progressive Christianity we are striving for. It also speaks to our current political climate. I’m reminded of reading Philip Yancey so many years ago, What’s So Amazing About Grace. He described grace as scandalous. In a nation that is on the precipice of building…

  • Chicken coop door circuit

    So I’ve been updating my chicken coop lately. See here for one such recent upgrade: The latest upgrade is a two-fer design… Door State Indication I want to be able to tell, from a distance, that the door is either open or closed. This is both a convenience to the chicken ranchers and a safety…

  • What Should You Know About Running an Ethical Business?

    The excitement of going into business for yourself is something that any entrepreneur can identify with. It’s a chance to take something you are good at, and make it your everyday “thing”. And one thing that we all like to tell ourselves is that when running a business, we’ll take some lessons from our lives…