Category: Comparisons
Here are reviews of two or more movies at a time. The goal is to compare their similarities and contrast their differences.
The reason? I find myself constantly comparing movies and categorizing their likenesses. This section is a place where that thinking can be obsessive.
The Matrix vs. Dark City
Where Dark City is visual escapism, The Matrix is testosterone brain candy!
Hannibal vs. Silence of the Lambs
If anyone can make 70s Italian splatter movies mainstream, Hopkins can.
The Passing & Nic Nicosia Movies
If I had any idea what I was in for with this double feature, I would never have entered the theater.
Fight Club vs. Bringing Out the Dead
Fortunately, filmmaking is generational. Scorsese’s baton has not fallen by Fincher.
Affliction vs. A Simple Plan
These films find disparate people in desperate situations, and the frailty of human standards and spirits.
Rushmore vs. Election
When they call Election “wicked satire,” they mean it. Rushmore wasn’t half as crass yet twice as funny.
The Blair Witch Project vs. Pi
That both of these successful films are independent gives one a giddy sense of grass roots pride.
The Haunting vs. The Blair Witch Project
Ushering in the new millennium of horror movies, one of these films is mighty, the other mediocre.
Arlington Road vs. The Siege
As if pulp from an unwritten Tom Clancy thriller, The Siege can be unsatisfying, unlike Arlington Road.
Shakespeare in Love vs. Elizabeth
One is intellectual comedy, the other political intrigue. Both entertain.