Category: Reviews

  • Avengers: Endgame

    Avengers: Endgame

    “Avengers: Endgame” marks the end of a generation of aging nerds like myself.  It stirred up in me so much emotion that I wasn’t prepared for and I can’t wait to see the 3 hour finale again.

  • Cargo

    I’m a sucker for a  good zombie movie. There’s just something about that mix of post-apocalypse and body horror that makes for the perfect sub-genre.

  • Truth and Stories

    To talk about my thoughts of the excellent documentary “Stories We Tell” in any detail would be robbing you of the joy of seeing it for yourself, of letting its layers unfold like slowly blooming petals.

  • The Cabin In The Woods

  • The Politics of Competitive Board Gaming Amongst Friends

    The Politics of Competitive Board Gaming Amongst Friends

    I just caught this highly entertaining geek culture documentary short film by Jay Cheel, host of the Documentary Blog podcast, which is one of my favorite podcasts. It’s called “The Politics of Competitive Board Gaming Amongst Friends.”

  • The way men talk to each other

    Gran Torino is a fine film, but it’s as deeply flawed as some of its characters.  I can forgive its characters for their foibles, but not its filmmakers.

  • In God We Trust

    Back in 2000, I saw a short film by Jason Reitman called In God We Trust. It was the best short film at the USA Film Festival that year.

  • I am (an alternate) Legend

    I am (an alternate) Legend

    I found this interesting alternate ending to I Am Legend. Go watch it and then come back.

  • (disad)Vantage Point

    What happens when you try to mix 3 parts The Bourne Ultimatum with 1 part In the Line of Fire and 1 part “24” (pick any episode)? Bad things to be sure.

  • Now I am become Legend

    I’ve been hyping I am Legend for some time now (here, and here). As you may have guessed, I’m a bit of a dystopian fantasy buff. Ever since I can remember, I’ve daydreamed about being the last human on the planet. I guess that speaks a lot of my introversion, huh? Well, the movie is…