Comments Posted By Verv_n_TN
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It’s almost like these are all the same guy. The wording is almost identical. Or is there a web-site out there in “No-wher-land” that advertises “How to steal money and dupe Americans! Use our templates with the generic words to take money from them.”
Goodness, the more I read, I can’t believe I fell for it for so long. Thanks to this web-site, Americans are being saved THOUSANDS of dollars! At least I didn’t cash the $7,300 fake cashiers check!
Ver_n_TN» Posted By Verv_n_TN On May 1, 2008 @ 8:22 am
Sharon Given had the audacity to invite me to “gmail” after I emailed him/her that they are a liar and a THEIF! Message below:
[I’ve been using Gmail and thought you might like to try it out. Here’s
an invitation to create an account.———————————————————————–
sharon given has invited you to open a free Gmail account.]
What are these people’s brains made of????
Verv_n_TN» Posted By Verv_n_TN On April 15, 2008 @ 2:05 pm
I also have a fake “cashiers” check for evidence ($7,500!), and the UPS envelope it came in. So if someone gets something together or an “authority” of some sort interested in cracking these crackpots, please let us know!!!!!
Ver_n_TN» Posted By Verv_n_TN On April 3, 2008 @ 9:11 am
I have finished with the scammer “SharonGiven”
Sharon wrote:
“I intentionally asked of when the check could be cashed,as the shipping firm hinted me some days ago that…..Possibly my order might be cancelled If not here from me financially at the given date.This was actually due to the fact that,Its long have asked for their services.”On 3/17/08, Verv_n_TN wrote:
When I get back to TN I will take care of it. I am in CA and cannot take care of it until I get to TN. I don’t know why you sent it to TN. The item is not located there. The payment was supposed to be sent to San Diego, Ca. I specifically gave instructions on where to send the cashiers check. But you probably don’t even know where San Diego is. It will be inspected when I get to TN.
Goober”On 3/17/08, sharon given wrote:
Well,I dont think am at fault at this very aspect of sending the check to TN.Afterall,you gave me an address in Tn and not San Diego okay?(YES I DID)But neverthless I am sorry and let me know when you will be cashing the check as I really need to pay this shipping arrangement could be made asap.
Thnks”“From: sharon given
To: Verv_n_TN
Sent: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 12:37 pm
Subject: Re: Used Seal Image 400 Double Heat Laminator Laminating Machine – $5000
why didnt i see your reply.cous the payment is already with you.and i belive you will send the shipper there fund so that they can come for the pickup.
Thanks”OK guys, I was out of TN and the check arrived and my kids tore open the UPS package(they got in trouble for opening my mail), and when I got back I looked at the Cashiers check. I do not have every reply this Sharon person gave me posted here. Remember though, that this guy gave all kinds of addresses. I want to post the addresses here and what kind of a “cashiers” check this is:
711 Bridge St.
Veronia, OR 97064
CASHIERS CHECK FROM: Sanford Business-to-Business
PO Box 92026
Chicago, IL 60675
MADE OUT FROM BANK: Northern Trust Bank Of Ohio
801 South Canal St.
Chicago, IL 60607
The Banks name wasn’t printed out on the ink-jet printer very well. I could tell it was printed at home. BUT HERE’S THE SCARY PART: I looked up on the web this business name. Found it and also found the EXACT signature of “BOB” the CEO on the website, copied and pasted onto the signature part of the check. Just “BOB” no last name. So I called the Company, “Sanford Business-to-Busuness”, and spoke with “BOB’s” secretary. Asked her if they had indeed purchased a laminator, she talked with Bob. He said NO! Per her request, I faxed a copy of the cashiers check and a couple pages of the selling transacation between Sharon and I. She informed me it was indeed a forgery and fraud and that Bob does no buying for this company or signing of checks. I told them it might be best for them to remove “BOB’s” signature from their website and indeed she agreed. Since no harm was done to them, they didn’t need any further information and told me to handle whatever I needed on my end.So I have finished this stuff, I emailed “Sharon”:
“Answer every question I give, IN English:
Your companies name this laminator goes to:
Address of company:
Phone Number of company:
Managers name:
Your Name:
Your Phone number:
Where am I supposed to do a Western Union:
Shippers Name:
Shippers Phone number:
Approximate date of pick-up:I will not have an unknown shipping company come and pick up an item. I must have the shippers information. This is a professional business and we don’t have time to have Mr. Joe Blow knock on our door.
I will not proceed without every question filled in. There are too many discrepancies in your correspondence. I am still not in TN to finalize this transaction. But I will not finalize it until you give me this information above.
Goober”Sharon replies:
From: sharon given
To: Verv_n_TN
Sent: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 7:52 am
Subject: Re: Information Please
Hey sorry for the late in my response.It was actually due to my son bad condition,Lungs problem and which remains aggravate rather than alleviate.So now regarding your mail,well I wont be able to furnish you with all the shipper’s info as I was already given these by them:
ZIPCODE: 16701Again,for further enquriy you could easily contact her through her email address
Thanks and would be very glad to hearing from you
feel free to call me +447031937679
Awiating for the western information.
“Here is the information.
The check you sent me was FRAUD. It was fake! I found the website where you ILLEGALLY copied and pasted the CEO’s name. I called the company on the check and talked with “Bob’s” Secretary and “Bob” does not sign the corporate checks. Nor did they issue the check!Did you really think I would go through with cashing a fraudulent check????? If I could I would reach through the internet at you and have you ARRESTED.
You do not have a son that has lung problems. You are a liar and a THEIF!
Mary Mi does not live at this address and you don’t either. Mary Miller off 144 Ramsey Road in PA and you off 144 Ramsey Road in Miami! NO SUCH ADDRESS FOR EITHER OF THEM, THEY ARE FAKE MISTER!
I hope you one day wind up in jail for a long time stealing innocent peoples money!” THE END
I am done, this has gone on too long. I Hope that if any of these addresses come up and people Google them, they will find them here and find that they are frauds or being used in frauds. This is truly proposterous and I thank all of you for sharing your copies of emails so we can be further informed by these illegal operations.
See ya’ll
Verv_n_TN» Posted By Verv_n_TN On March 28, 2008 @ 10:42 am
Hi Ya’all,
I have more from Sharon. But he/she answers by Sharon Given now. Check out the info he/she wrote back and notice the addresses that the guy gives from the ones above. He said earlier he lives in 144 Ramsey Road, Miami, then says to send the western union to a chick in 144 Ramsey Road, Bradford, PA! By the way, no such place or person, couldn’t even find it on google, maquest, even Western Union!Hello Goober,
Firstly,I must say a big sorry for the delaying caused in getting the check arrived but glad to announce to you that payment will be delivered to your doorstep by UPS carrier services on monday and here is the tracking number for the payment package #XXXXXXXXXX@!@!@!. And I believe you know what you should do as soon as you receive the payment:
1.) Go straight to your bank and deposit the check in your bank account.2.) After you must have deposited the payment into your account, you are to deduct the excess funds.
3.) Visit the nearest Western Union Outlet around your area with the excess funds and have it sent to the shipper’s senior accountant info as I have previously told you.
4) Here is her western union info to send the FUNDS to:
ZIPCODE: 167015.) You are to deduct the Western Union fees from the excess money.
6.) Do get back to me with the Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN),Sender’s name and address, Exact amount sent.
7) Again,kindly let me know when your convenient date and time when pick up could be made ofcourse I get this would be okay by you?
Pls, get back to me with the Western Union details and the pick up information,as the shippers are greatly in a haste to come for the pick up.
SharonOK posters, after I told the guy this laminator blew up, he is still at it. I can’t believe he doesn’t realize I see he said he lived off 144 Ramsay road in Apt 17, Miami and now wants me to send the Western Union to 144 Ramsay Road Apt 14, Bradford, PA! I did take the tracking number and skewed it from ya’ll, I just went on UPS and entered in the number he sent and UPS said “Not Available.” Interesting huh?
I’ll keep you posted. I plan on taking this to my bank and speak to the manager without opening this letter and see what they tell me to do. I do have some info on this person, has to be near PA.
Let ya know….
Verv_n_TN» Posted By Verv_n_TN On March 15, 2008 @ 8:22 pm
Ya know Chris, it may be as old as the internet, but if you have never sold anything on the internet before, you would never know! How would somone know this kind of thing could even happen before you had it happen to you and even knew what to look for?
I knew the basics, but did not know about anything of this sort, and the guy had me ridin. IN fact, he still is in touch with me and if you notice what I said in the post before, I said he was commiting a crime and the laminator blew up! His response email proved he doesn’t know English and this very web-site allowed me to understand and see that.
So while your saying blow it off, I am still in the midst of this and am going to recieve a phony check in the next couple days….» Posted By Verv_n_TN On March 6, 2008 @ 3:37 pm
Hey, after sending him that email I have above, the guy wrote me back! Here it is:
—–Original Message—–
From: sharon given
Subject: Re: Used Seal Image 400 Double Heat Laminator Laminating Machine – $5000Hello Goober,
My name is
Sharon given by name i live at 144 ramsey road apt 17 in maima“I replied”
Ho Okay, I bet the weather is really cold there right now. You have a lot of snow?
GooberI thought I would use some of the witty questions some of you folks used…I’ll keep ya’ll posted!
» Posted By Verv_n_TN On March 6, 2008 @ 10:48 am
«« Back To Stats PageI got a response to my Laminator I had for sale on craigslist, too, and I had a inkling something was amiss. I had never done any selling online before, so I would have been an easy target. The first guy was a for sure scammer-I could tell that, don’t have his email address since my trashed stuff gets totally trashed every so many days. But the next guy, different from anyone elses here,took me for a ride until I read this forum. This is what follows:
From: sharon lenon <
Hello Seller,
I got your advert for sale and am really interested in buying the
item,pls get back to me if the item is still available and kindly let
me know the last price of the item.lastly the resent pisx of the item.
Thanks“I reply,”
The item is still availabale. Although someone is asking to buy it right now. The transaction is going a bit shady and if you pipe up, I will sell it to you.
You asked for resent pisx of the item. Does that mean pictures? If so, the pictures I have listed are pictures of the identical laminating machine but not the one we are selling. I took a picture for the serial number with my phone but do not think a picture of the laminator will come out on my camera phone, so I used some pictures that are on file on the computer.
Make an offer on this machine. I need it moved yesterday and my boss wants it out of the shop. Please just make an offer and pick it up ASAP.
Thanks for your interest, we’ll go from there.
Goober(I’ll call myself Goober)“sharonlenon@gmail”
Thanks for your response to my email and sorry for the late in my reply.I am glad to hear that the item is still down for sale.Actually i live in miami but i am out of town for work.I called my financer for your payment and he told me that he can only make payment via a certified check and i will instruct the shipper to come for the pick up,as soon as you confirm my check good.I will like you to get back to me with your payment information such as your full name,your mailing address,state,zipcode and your telephone number so as to send you the payment immiediately if my mode of payment suits you.
Thanks and have a lovely day“I reply after 2 days”
Are you still interested in the Laminator Sharon? The other person backed out as I presumed. Which is better for you.
It is a great deal and in very good shape.
Let me know how much you want to buy it for and let’s finish this business transaction.
Thank You Kindly,
Goober“I write again”
Dear Sharon,
Can you verify an offer? Can you please call me or email me back with your offer.
If your certified check is issued by your bank, then it would be one that I can verify. That would be fine. Pick-up would be when the check is verified payable.
You must be in contact with me for the pick-up. My boss has nothing to do with this machine(it’s our neighbors) so please do not have shipper bother workers. Just me, Goober.
Call me as soon as you can so I can confirm this transaction 000-000-0000.
I appreciate your business!
I will add my personal address in case the certified check needs to have that information also. I commute and work in CA but live in TN.
(I gave him my home address and my work address, I did not have any idea of scammers, shame on me. I am truly a Goober here)“sharonlenon@gmail emails”
Thanks so much for the info,i will like you let you know that the payment would be sent via UPS Courier Service, FEDEX or Dhland am sending a check,and the item will be picked up as soon as you receive the payment,and get it payment cashed.Then I will instruct my shipper to get in contact with you for the pick up schedule time and date.I will like to tell you that i would be sending a payment worth of $7,300 to cover the shipment of the items bought.As soon as you receive the check have it cashed and remove your money for the item and send the funds to my shipper by western union or money gram money transfer.My shipper is also picking some of other items at the same city of yours,that is why you need to transfer the amount to my shipper.I will like you to remove $20 for runing around that I have caused you during the transaction period.Please let me know if i can trust you on this so we can move forward from here.
HOPE TO HEAR FROM YOU SOON.Regard“I reply, & we are asking $5,000 for the item”
Thanks Sharon,
I am going to run over this with you.
1) You will send funds for the Seal Image 400 Laminator of which you will pay me $5,020($20 for running around). 2) You are sending $7,300 and want me to cash it and send $2,280 to your shipper via Western Union or MOney Gram, which will cost a fee on my end.
3) Your shipper is going to come pack it, pick it up and ship it with various other items you purchased in San Deigo.Question:
-What kind of check is being sent via currier? I would like you to send me the name of the institution for the check and check number so I can be ready to verify funds and then cash it.
-Can you give me your full name, phone number, and address to make sure this transaction runs smoothly? Since I work full time in chemicals, I don’t have the time to leave work figuring out what to do if your shipper doesn’t arrive, etc.I want you to call me to finalize this transaction and I will give you until the end of this week to receive the money.
Here is my phone number 000-000-0000, my name is Goober.Sincerely,
San Diego, CA 44444“again I replied and was getting suspicious”
I have another question for you. Can your financer pay by Pay-Pal? It would be a really smooth transaction and protect us both…
Goober“I reply even more suspicious because I read a bit about scammers.”
Dear Sharon (I honestly hope that’s your name, forgive me if it isn’t),
Can we just have this paid by Pay-pal.
If you agree, I will have a PayPal invoice sent to your email address or your companies email address who is going to pay for this item. Please let me know, OK?Sincerely
Goober“sharonlenon@gmail writes and has the audacity to include “god bless you’.”
Hello Goober,
Am very sorry for my late response i called my sec. and she said the payment as been issued out and i will surely get back to you with the tracking number today or tomorrow.
Thanks and god bless yo“I respond being taken aback”
OK, that’s fine.
Can you still give me your work phone number where I will resume transactions with you once funds have been received. And whom your shipper is. And could I have your name?
000-000-0000“again I respond”
What is your name?
Where do you live?Regards,
Goober“by this time I am reading this website and am pretty pissed and copy what some of you wrote and changed it over to my items names “laminator” and send it to the guy. Notice my silly word play”
Dear MrsMrSharon
What you are proposing is not acceptable. When we originally posted this item we posted on the local Craigslist so we could meet face to face with the buyer. Based on your emails I know you are not local to me. So, first off I need to know more about you. I would like you to tell me more about who you are so I know who I’m dealing with.
Please reply with your Address and a phone number in case we need to talk.
Your proposal to send more money than the amount for the item is also not acceptable. I will only accept payment for the item itself, you will have to deal with the cargo company yourself, I will not be a middle man.
There was a time in this world when a money order or cashiers check was an acceptable form of payment. Unfortunately those days are long gone. My bank tells me there is only one truly safe way to do this. You send cash via FedEx and insure it for your protection. I will then be able to release the Laminator to your cargo company immediately upon receipt of the cash.
I will notify you immediately upon receipt of your cash payment.Bad news. The Laminator caught fire and exploded. There’s still some good parts left. Do you still want to buy it?
GooberOK, I couldn’t help myself with that last suggestion another poster wrote. The money is in the mail as we speak 3-5-2008. So I am going to have to figure out what to do with the fake check. I will probably have my hubby take care of this on his end at the bank and see what they say.
Thank You all for posting your email letters of “intent to fraud you” by someone else. You have no idea how much gratitude I feel here. Goodness gracious, what could have happened had we gone through with it?Thank You Kindly, and from my heart “May God Bless You”
Ver_n_TN» Posted By Verv_n_TN On March 5, 2008 @ 9:01 pm