Tag: computers
No, I’m not dead. I’m just a little… distracted:
Modem go boom
This is my Mom’s busted modem. It got into an argument with a thunder storm.
Scam Spam Correspondence
By this time, nearly everyone in North America has received the infamous Nigerian fraud email.
The Year of Our Lord, 1973
Edited: I’ve always been a little strangely fascinated with my birthyear. I know that sounds narcissistic, but you’ll have to take my word on this. I don’t collect historical tidbits of the year 1973 for any egotistical reason. It’s just plain old vanilla obsessive compulsive disorder. The following are facts I’ve collected about this year,…
The Millennial Changeover
Part of my “Article of the Month” series in 2000
Enemy of the State vs. The Net
Ahh, the National Security Agency is such an easy target these days.