Tag: disney
Grandpa and Spalding Gray
I was about to turn 20 years old. It was 1994 and my grandparents would be celebrating their golden wedding anniversary on my birthday. Flying to Orange, California, to visit them for a week would be a momentous occasion. Afterall, I was leaving my teens and they were entering their retirement.
Lackluster Video
Could Blockbuster be the Antichrist?
Lucas’ Fantasy
The only thing missing is some awkwardly timed anime-style guffaws. I for one was grateful for the omission.
The Prince of Egypt vs. Pocahontas
Why Disney couldn’t retell the story of Pocahontas with as much respect for history as DreamWorks did with Moses is completely beyond me.
Antz vs. A Bug’s Life
Where Antzand A Bug’s Lifediffer is in semantics: thinking for yourself, or thinking of yourself.