Tag: garage

  • The state of the Arduino ecosystem

    At this ripe old age, I have come to value most the quality of a toolchain. I’ll go a step further and say that the coherency and consistency of the umbrella that toolchain inhabits is a most prized quality.  And what spurred this revelation?  Why the obtuse declaration? I have seen the other side, brothers and…

  • Garage heater

    Garage heater

    Back in October of 2009, I started this ambitious project. I finally got it done a year later.

  • Garage attic

    Garage attic

    I added storage space to my old garage by putting in an attic. It was much bigger of a job than I thought it would be.

  • Reinforced steel strike plate

    Reinforced steel strike plate

    The garage of our new house was broken into long before we bought it. Someone had kicked in the side entrance door. So I reinforced the doorjamb with a piece of steel angle iron, making my own door latch / deadbolt combo strike plate. Here are some pics…

  • Shed project, part 3

    Shed project, part 3

    Like giving birth, the pain is now behind us.

  • Shed project, Part 1

    Shed project, Part 1

    I’m building a shed very soon, but before I could get the materials, I needed to know how much stuff I had to fit inside the shed. That’s where Google comes in…

  • A brush with certain death

    Never fond of the “slippery slope” argument for preventative forewarnings, I’m forced to acknowledge its relevance. In this case, my cat of all creatures is proving the belabored point of age-old conservatism.

  • Grandpa and Spalding Gray

    Grandpa and Spalding Gray

    I was about to turn 20 years old. It was 1994 and my grandparents would be celebrating their golden wedding anniversary on my birthday. Flying to Orange, California, to visit them for a week would be a momentous occasion. Afterall, I was leaving my teens and they were entering their retirement.