Tag: social media

  • (anti-) Social Media

    A funny thing happened on the way to the internet. As the world got more and more sucked into social media, I began reading Cal Newport and Alfie Kohn and gradually crawled out of them. But I’ll confess that I sort of stumbled, kicking and screaming, into SM sobriety. […]

  • de-Facebooking my life

    de-Facebooking my life

    I sometimes can be mistaken for a curmudgeon.  Perhaps it comes with age. Perhaps it’s my field which breeds overly particular engineers obsessing about better ways of doing things.

  • To do: create social media message bomb utility

    To do: create social media message bomb utility

    I have this friend, let’s call him Marv. Marv can be a tough guy to get a hold of. So difficult, that I sometimes go crazy trying to plan my social calendar around his sporadic absenteeism. I vacillate between letting him be who he is and wanting to strangle him for his ways. I guess…