Sci-Fi Expo

So I went to the SciFiExpo today, where mostly Star Wars related paraphernalia and people were on display.

This is the first convention I’ve attended, and boy what an experience! Nerds everywhere. I can call them that, because I am a nerd. But as with with everything in life, such titles are very relative. Compared with a lot of the other attendees, I’m just a poser. I wasn’t wearing a costume, I didn’t bring any toys or comics to have signed, I wasn’t even wearing a Star Wars t-shirt.

Nevertheless, I checked out the toys and some stars signing autographs. Brought back some fond memories of playing with Star Wars as a kid.

What a dorky fanboy I was with the actors. Here are the pics to prove it. Don’t laugh at me.






14 responses to “Sci-Fi Expo”

  1. melissa Avatar

    Boys are such dorks when it comes to hot chicks. Sorry, guys, but it’s true!

    The pictures are fun, Rob! Was that you in the first picture? If so, did you change shirts half way through?

  2. Rob Avatar

    Funny, Mel. ๐Ÿ™‚ I figured you meant the guy on the left, who Park is talking to. The one with the mullet! I was going to beat you up.

    Now Park’s do is cool. What would you think if I got one of those spikey things? Of course, it wouldn’t hurt to get some biceps like Park’s either. Maybe then Ms. Allen wouldn’t be so weirded out by my geekdom. ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Rob Avatar

    Hah, funny. No, that’s some other dude in the first pick. Ray Park is on the right.

  4. Carl Avatar

    I see that Michonne Bourriague was there as well…very cool!

  5. Julie Avatar

    I thought you were Park, too!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Carl Avatar

    I’m sure you are far and away one of the most normal people that Amy Allen met that day!

  7. Carl V. Avatar

    Now Melissa, get it right…these aren’t just hot chicks…they are Star Wars hot chicks…geez, this is important in the geek subculture!!!

  8. Melissa Avatar

    Right, Carl! (please note eyes rolling)

  9. Melissa Avatar

    Rob, I swear I thought Ray Park was you. I looked at that first picture and thought wow, Rob’s got a new do! Funny, huh!

  10. Rob Avatar

    Yep, Angela, just Star Wars stars all in one big room.

    In the main convention hall with all the vendors, there was this really odd little booth showing a super low-budget tv show, and it appeared that there was one of the “stars” behind the booth. It was some sort of martial arts show. Very bizarre, I didn’t stick around.

  11. Carl V. Avatar

    Welcome to the world of convention geeks, Rob! You’re in good company!

    I’m so jealous that you got to meet Amy Allen…that’s one hot blue chick! I’m assuming you also came away with an autograph!

    (fyi, your sci fi expo link isn’t working)

    Maybe you should go back now and add Science Fiction convention attendee to your eharmony profile and see what that does for your marketability!!!!

  12. Julie Avatar

    Cool, Rob!

    That poor kid in the stroller!!! Did he start crying? That had to look very creepy from his little perspective!

    It does look like you changed shirts!

  13. Angela Avatar

    very cool.. glad you had fun at your first scifi con!

    so there were just star wars guests, i take it?

  14. Jimmy Avatar

    Oh my, Rob is Darth Maul!

    Run away!

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