Christmas in Colorado!

It’s that time of year again…
Oh, Tannenbaum.

Here are a couple stockings that my friend Sarah sewed for me. From scratch. Utter amazement. The big one on the left is mine. Ebb’s is the smaller one, i.e., he will be getting fewer gifts for Christmas than me.

Christmas stockings






14 responses to “Christmas in Colorado!”

  1. Lynda Avatar

    What a beautiful place for your tree. You really look like you are ready for Christmas.

  2. Sarah Avatar

    Your house looks truly festive now! And- do I spy wooden stringers on the tree?

  3. Jules Avatar

    Very festive! The tree is real pretty. Is it real or artificial? I love the theater lights!!

    I am disappointed. I can’t see the wooden stringers.

    The stockings look great!!! I hope Santa fills them full for you! I made my family’s stockings out of old quilts. The homemade kind are the best!!!

    We’ve got a bunch of snow here! The kids are out of school. They are playing outside now. It’s six degrees, so I don’t think they’ll be out long!

  4. Melissa Avatar

    Oh, it looks beautiful! I’m disappointed that I haven’t been able to decorate yet!

    Is that a real tree, Rob?

    Sarah, I am dang impressed! DANG impressed! The stockings are adorable!

    Poor Eb and his “fewer gifts.” LOL!

  5. James Avatar

    I love that picture of Ebb!

    He is quite the outdoorsman!

  6. Carl V. Avatar

    Handmade stockings? Not so subtle hints at summer movie plans over at my site? Hmmmmm…..

  7. Rob Avatar

    Oops, I dropped the ball on details in this post!

    Jules, sorry I’ll take another closer picture of the now infamous “wooden stringers”. Completely slipped my mind.

    Melissa, yes it’s a real tree.

    Carl, you’re saying I need to work on my coyness?

  8. Carl V. Avatar

    Perhaps Rob, perhaps… ๐Ÿ˜›

  9. Ciera Avatar

    Festive…although the wreath looks a little lonely all by itself on the wall.

    cats are funny that way.

  10. Mary Avatar

    Very cool Christmas decorations, and Sarah, I love the stockings. Rob, can I assume the fireplace is not in use as the couch appears to be right next to it? How is Santa coming in this Christmas?

  11. Rob Avatar

    Silly Mary, Santy Claus isn’t real! But you make a good point. How in the world am I going to use my fireplace? Hmmm, hadn’t quite thought that through.

  12. Jules Avatar

    Hey! The stringers! I like the red ones a lot. The multi-colored ones look like something a guy would pick out! That’s not a bad thing. Don’t take me wrong! They are fun. Way to go, decorating your bachelor pad with special holiday touches! The tree is beautiful. Did you cut it down, or purchase it pre-cut?

  13. Sarah Avatar

    Thank you to everyone who commented on the stockings. ๐Ÿ™‚ I bought the fabric several years ago with the intention of making stockings. I just needed a reason to get moving on them!

  14. Angela Avatar

    and spam still gets thru… ๐Ÿ˜›

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