Dr. Lund

Look what my employers got me. Cool, huh? A smock. How official looking is this?

Notice the digital multimeter instead of a stethoscope?






6 responses to “Dr. Lund”

  1. Mary Avatar

    What? You must have posted this before Lent…

  2. Kim Avatar

    Cool lab coat!

    I have 2 myself. I love the pockets. They were a requirement for my microbiology lab course.

    See you around after Lent!

  3. Carl V. Avatar

    Yep…that completes the evil tech geek ensemble! Now you’re ready to take over the world.

  4. Jules Avatar

    Muhahaha. . .

  5. Karen Avatar

    You look so official and important!! There is just something about a guy in a labcoat!

    I love it when Tom wears a labcoat (which isn’t very often). He had to wear one when he was doing clinicals.

    Is that your name on the front?

  6. Ciera Avatar

    echoes Jules “muhahaha”….

    I just now noticed the “preview” available down below…a little wierd to watch myself type in two spots at once…and yet so cool…

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