I was talking to Mom tonight, trying to convince her to take a new plunge in her online experience. The plunge in question regarded writing comments on blogs. Specifically, my blog.
To which, my mom had a very well-reasoned dismissal. She gave me the following analogies:
“If I wanted to contact you, I wouldn’t plaster my message on a billboard so that hopefully you would see it passing by on the freeway. You might as well put a message in a bottle and throw it in the ocean!”
As you can see, my mother has some misgivings about making her thoughts and private messages available for public consumption. And I found myself amusingly at a loss for words, because the logic was sound. Why do we get a kick out of publishing our thoughts for the masses, anyway? I wrote some similar thoughts about it here.
At the risk of implicating my mother as outdated in the digital frontier, let me just offer the disclaimer that she’s an avid eBayer and emailer.
Mom, if I’ve misrepresented you here, feel free to let me know in the comments section below. (Or just send me an email.)
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