
I’ve found a new addiction: Sudoku

SudokuSudoku is a neat little logic game that sort of reminds me of those heredity quizzes. If crossword puzzles had a math-like equivalent, this would be it.

It’s all deduction by careful logic. You’re given a 9×9 grid which is split into little 3×3 grids. The numbers 1 through 9 must be filled into each row and column and 3×3 grids, but no overlap is allowed. In other words, a single number can only be used once in each row, column, and 3×3. Sounds easy, right?

It takes quite a while at first. But I was hooked.

I found this little jewel in last week’s Denver Post. Apparently, they’re quite a new puzzle craze. With a Japanese name, their roots are actually in New York.

Look for it in your local paper!

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  1. Oooh, that does sound horribly addictive. I sure could waste a lot of good time with that innocent-looking game. 🙂 Now I’m regretting canceling my newspaper subscription!

  2. Rob, listen, we know you are a huge nerd, but come on! You don’t have to just lay it out there like this!

  3. Crazy… a friend of mine recently told me about this game. She thought I might find it a fun activity to do with the kids I work with. I’ve never tried it out.

    um.. ah… what if you are not a math whizz, or a nerd… can it still be fun??

  4. I’ve heard of/seen this and although I realize their isn’t any math involved per se it is still numbers…something I’ve never had a great love for…I’m not really big on logic puzzles either…I do love Mah Jong though!

  5. Another sudoku addict here. I saw them in my local paper, but one a week wasn’t enough!

    I found a great online site with daily puzzles at five levels of difficulty:

    It can print out one of five different sizes, or you can solve the puzzle right there online. It can offer hints or solve a step for you. There’s an archive with hundreds of sudoku puzzles in it. Must remember to sleep!

    – KristinW

  6. Logic has never been one of my strong points…but I would no doubt try and tackle this game.

    uhm…this is kind of bold of me, but I would like to ask you and your friends to keep me in prayer. I’m going through a very hard time in my church right now. Thanks.

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