nature preserve updates

I installed some new wildlife accessories tonight…

A corn cob holder for squirrels:


And a bird bath pan. Had to do some slight mods to get this thing to hang properly.


Those poor animals don’t know who they’re messing with!






11 responses to “nature preserve updates”

  1. Jules Avatar

    You’ll have yourself a zoo before you know it.

    One winter, I had a squirrel that would scratch on my back door and wait to be fed. He’d sit on his hind legs with his little front paws dangling and he’d beg for bird seed. (I was trying to feed the birds) It was really cute.

  2. Lynda Avatar

    I love it that you are really getting into the wildlife caretaker role! Yippee! Proud of you. And it is entertaining.

  3. Sarah Avatar

    That bird bath is great. All the birds are going to be fighting for a spot! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Jules Avatar

    Rob, since you have a real tree, after Christmas you can set it on the back porch. Roll pine cones in peanut butter and bird seed and hang from the tree with twine. That’s what I did the year I made friends with the mooching squirrel. I had half a dozen squirrels in my tree trying to loosen those pine cones so they could steal them!

  5. Carl V. Avatar

    That birdbath looks a little too much like a urinal…good thing you’re not a heavy drinker Rob! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. Karen Avatar

    ๐Ÿ˜† funny, Carl. . .you’re right. Rob, you will never look at that the same way again!

  7. Melissa Avatar

    It will be fun to see how Eb will react!

  8. Sarah Avatar

    Oh, how funny, Carl. I’m not sure I can look at it as a birdbath now!

  9. Hojun4 Avatar

    Looks like you’ve got yourself a regular animal playground there.

    When it freezes, the birds can ice-skate… ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. Lynda Avatar

    Good heavens, just ignore the comment about the birdbath! It looks like what it is supposed to be..a birdbath. And loved the idea Jules about setting the tree outside after Christmas. I did that one year. You can put all sorts of goodies in it. And the birds love to rest in it too.

  11. […] Following up on Julie’s great suggestion, I’ve added another installment to my wild kingdom… Peanut butter covered pinecones! […]

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