Author: Rob
What to Consider When Selecting Business Software
Photo by Lukas If you’re in the market to get some software for your business then you are probably beginning to realize what a crucial decision it is. It can impact productivity, growth and efficiency in your business. There are so many options available, it’s essential that you select software that meets your business needs…
Research And Survey Tools That Will Help You Understand Your Customers
Many different research and survey methods can allow your business to deliver what customers want. Meeting customer expectations and considering their preferences is a sure way to improve customer satisfaction. Acquiring practical knowledge about different research and survey methods is a strategic move for any new business owner. This knowledge will not only help you…
What To Do When A Loved One Dies At Home
Well, this really is the question, isn’t it? Losing a loved one at home can be devastating and leave you reeling and wondering what to do next. Of course, everyone’s experience of grief is unique to them, as is their healing journey, but some things can be universally helpful both practically and emotionally. Read on…
The new Alien sequel is out and I loved it.
Common Pain Points with Business Websites and How to Avoid Them
Your business website can be one of the most effective and powerful tools for bringing in and converting your customers. However, in a rush to get their online presence set up, a lot of businesses make many of the same mistakes that result in a worse user experience for their customers. The worse their experience,…
DNC, night #2
Michelle Obama. That’s all you need to review. She even eclipsed her hubby, it was that good: (Kamala Harris) understands that most of us will never be afforded the grace of failing forward. We will never benefit from the affirmative action of generational wealth. If we bankrupt a business or choke in a crisis, we…
Reverend Senator
Wow, the words of the reverend and US Senator, Raphael Warnock! I’m saying it now, he’s got the spirit of MLK and I hope he stays in politics. The man can preach. I’ve clipped some of his speech on day #1 from the Democratic National Convention. This is remarkable, soulful stuff. Covenant with America A…
Yellowstone trip
This year, my family marked a big milestone: we camped inside Yellowstone National Park. It was fantastic. It was everything I’d hoped for. And it was also a big achievement. We’re not super adventurous campers; in fact we’re fully into the Glamping life. We have a travel trailer. 1A “travel trailer” is the insider term…
The Essential Guide to Preparing Your Home for Emergencies
via Pexels When it comes to ensuring your home is ready for any emergency, the key lies in preparation. From natural disasters to power outages, having the right systems and supplies in place can make all the difference. This guide will walk you through the most important steps you can take to safeguard your home…
Where To Focus Your Time & Energy As A New Business Owner
Pexels You should be proud of yourself for launching your own company. However, it’s good to keep in mind that there’s still a lot of hard work that lies in front of you. You may feel pulled in many directions and find it hard to keep up with all the necessary tasks. If you’re going…