Comments Posted By Scooter
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Hey C.W. how’s Colorado? Sure was fun to pick on you last week. You were such a good sport to play games with us… seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever played so many games in such a short amount of time.
I’m still in MN… we (Jim, Mel and I) experience “Christmas Loot Part III.” The Gap gift card and the iPod tune’s card would have to be the highlights… go figure, I have to go back to the Gap store! Bummer! 😆
Happy New Year…well, in a couple of days. (and Hi Mrs. Lund… I know that you are probably reading this!)
» Posted By Scooter On December 28, 2005 @ 11:27 pm
Ahh Rob I’m jealous, another one of my favorites (Penera) that we don’t have up here. Okay, so talk about prices… I live out in the middle of no where and you would think that prices would be super cheap. But no… they are insane. Grocery stores here raise the prices of even normal items. And gas is anywhere from 50-80 cents more expensive. Insane! 😯
» Posted By Scooter On November 15, 2005 @ 8:13 pm
Lund, based on the picture you have posted here I’d have to agree with Mel… the bowl cut most definitely needs to be traded in for a new style! My vote is for C or B. I like C a little better. It does look like this guy got a few highlights… have you thought of that? Just thought I’d throw that in the mix.
» Posted By scooter On November 3, 2005 @ 11:20 am
Beautiful pictures Rob! It looks like you had fantastic weather. 🙂 I attempted a mini-hike this weekend myself. I wanted to capture some pictures of the fall colors here. The trees are breath-taking and look on fire. Unfortunately, the weather decided to threaten me with rain, but I still got a few ok shots. I’m still trying to figure out how to post pictures on my blog.. hopefully that will happen soon.
Good weather, a hike in Colorado, and an Eldridge book…. sounds like the perfect combination!
» Posted By Scooter On October 16, 2005 @ 7:06 pm
Crazy… a friend of mine recently told me about this game. She thought I might find it a fun activity to do with the kids I work with. I’ve never tried it out.
um.. ah… what if you are not a math whizz, or a nerd… can it still be fun??
» Posted By Scooter On October 10, 2005 @ 11:55 pm
«« Back To Stats PageI really wonder if you or I will get more snow this winter Rob. I just found out that Land O’ is in the Lake Superior snow belt… translated: snow to the knees all winter. We had our first flurry this week and temps in the 20’s. I’m not sure if I’m ready for this. I think I’d rather be in Colorado with the snow minus the brutal cold. Do you want to trade? 😀
» Posted By Scooter On October 11, 2005 @ 12:04 am