Category: Faith
This section is a place where I write about religion and God, the spiritual and the supernatural, but most importantly how these relate to the everyday.
Radical Inclusion in the Darkest Valleys
Several weeks ago, my church had a series on the Lord’s Prayer, picking apart all the elements of the well known prescription of appealing to God. Near the end of the series was also a deep dive into Psalm 23, with a call to radically inclusive communion in a world that means you harm. God…
Liturgy and Eucharist
For the past several years, I’ve found myself undergoing what can only be described as a thorough reckoning. “Do I really believe all this stuff?” is a question I would subconsciously ask myself as often as I ate food.
#BecauseOfRHE, Abe and Jonas
One of my most precious parenting rituals is reading to my children before their bedtimes. My son is in love with the Magic Tree House series, having read (listened) to probably 90% of the collection twice over by now.
Einstein’s religious thoughts
I found some old collected daily calendar Einstein quotes that rang true to me recently. Enjoy… I think that a man’s moral worth is not measured by what his religious beliefs are, but rather by what emotional impulses he has received from nature. To sister Margarit Goelmer, Feb 1955 One cannot help but be in…
The mystical comfort of music
Immediately following the 2016 US presidential election, the very last place I wanted to go to for comfort was my church. I’m not alone in this. I attend a fairly-conservative, mostly-white Republican Evangelical church in a similarly populated town. As a registered Democrat, I suddenly felt politically and ideologically “naked” among my fellow parishioners like…
Baby Lund
What is manhood?
Julie posted a response to my review of Gran Torino and I began writing a response. But the comment became too big, so I turned it into a full post. Let the discussion begin!
weekend blogging at CBE
Hey bloggers, I was given a cool opportunity to contribute to the blog Christians for Biblical Equality. It’s an organization that Sarah and I support. They are active in promoting equality between the sexes from a Christian perspective. This weekend, Sarah and I are attending an international conference in Denver and I’ll be posting about…
On marriage and mysteries
It’s hard to imagine contentedness before it finds you. Find a good spouse, you find a good life; and even more: the favor of God! — Proverbs 18:22 (The Message)
What happens when the primetime slot erodes, giving way to a new generation of media content consumers? I’m referring to the video iPods, the Sony PlayStation Portables, and other such video on-demand players.