The STEM gap

There’s a great info-graphic and article on Adecco, concerning the widening gap between available Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM) candidates and those job vacancies waiting to be filled. I have much to be thankful for this year.  In particular, I have Adecco to thank for placing me at a great, international science-based company — …

Automagically create annual month folders

On my computer, I’m in the habit of using lots of subfolders for my organization of reports and other output I generate from my financial software . I prefer to use a structure of month names inside the for the year, with forced chronological order. For instance: \Bills\subfolder1 \Bills\subfolder2 So I wrote an Automator script …

Xenon Project RC helicopter review

[stextbox id=’info’ color=’ffffff’ bgcolor=’0004ff’ bgcolorto=’0004ff’]The following is a sponsored product post[/stextbox] I was recently contacted by Jeff Chan over at Xenon Project, an RC hobbyist retailer. At first, I figured the email was bogus, as I get quite a few of them on a regular basis. So I was quite thrilled to discover that Jeff …