Straight talkin’

Given the lively discussin’ that was goin’ on yesterday, I thought I’d link another video.

Fair warning, the power of editing may be on display here.  Does McCain have you scratchin’ your head yet? 1all these gerunds have lost their g’s on the campaign trail


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    all these gerunds have lost their g’s on the campaign trail






6 responses to “Straight talkin’”

  1. James Avatar

    my stupid iPhone won’t play that video. 🙁

  2. Rob Avatar

    You have that anti-Democrat iPhone app, huh?

  3. Sarah Avatar

    That was TODAY that you posted. Are you a little confused about the day since we missed choir????

  4. Rob Avatar

    I was at choir in my heart.

  5. James Avatar

    I think it’s a BiDenphone. It hasn’t been making much sense lately.

  6. Sarah Avatar

    I will admit that I had never heard of a gerund until this week, when someone mentioned it during a meeting Wednesday and my husband used the word on his blog Thursday. I don’t know most grammatical rules unless they are at a 4th grade level. How did I miss this?

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