There’s something about a nice mug from which to drink your favorite hot beverage…
Just picked up this nifty new handmade mug while visiting a friend from Colorado Springs yesterday.

I’ve always felt that coffees and teas taste better when they’re drunk from a mug, as opposed to those ubiquitous cardboard cups. I think it has more to do with the atmosphere that a mug represents than the actual taste of the fluid.
Consider this: When ordering drinks at a coffee shop, the ceramic mug is a “for here” container choice. You must drink the drink at the store.
Whereas, the cardboard cups are designed for the busy on-the-move customer. They accommodate our rushing, schedule-oriented lives. They are also disposable. There’s no craftsmanship in a disposable cup. They are designed economically with as little material as possible, with no insulative properties, lightweight for ease of transport and storage. They are worthless.
However, the ceramic mug requires time. You must sit, deliberately, and enjoy your fine drink.
Now which would you rather drink from?
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